Written By: Lauren Howard

Leaving the role that sent you into burnout doesn’t magically fix everything.
It doesn’t automatically make you capable of the boundaries that you needed before.
It doesn’t heal you.
It may help, but it’s not a cure-all.
I thought it was. Actually, I thought taking a few days off would be enough. Then, when it wasn’t, I just tried to work harder to overcome these unnecessary limitations that my body was putting on itself.
Neither worked.
Burnout is trauma, and trauma requires recovery. You can’t just blink it away with a change of scenery.
Your nervous system, which is on hyperdrive thanks to all of the aforementioned trauma, needs to learn to, like, chill.
You can’t outrun it or outsmart it. It takes time, rest, healing, rebuilding, and recovery that you have probably never allowed for yourself before.
It’s not a switch you can flip.
There is no switch.

Founder & CEO at elletwo