Written By: Lauren Howard

My boss is an a$$h0le.
This place sucks.
This job is eating my soul.
Helping doesn’t have to hurt.
I love my patients but I hate this place.
Bureaucracy blues.
Those are not statements about my reality, though they all were true at some point.
They might be statements about yours.
They are, however, the names of some of the groups we’ve launched.
I realized that people resonate when we’re clear and maybe even a little edgy.
People know what burnout is, but they’re sometimes hesitant to admit that they’re in it. Sometimes, they don’t even realize they’re in it until it’s too late to do anything to mitigate it.
People are rarely hesitant to admit that their boss is a tyrant who makes them feel like they are incapable even though he couldn’t do their job on his best, most intelligent day.
They know that being a caretaker in a caring profession can make you feel like you have poured everything out until there is nothing left for you.
They know what it’s like to feel like someone isn’t being honest about what is happening behind the scenes.
So we can use clinical, buttoned-up terms, or we can meet people where they are.
Sh!t is hard. Let’s say that. Come hang with us.
Image by Engin Akyurt via Unsplash.

Founder & CEO at elletwo