Written By: Lauren Howard

I was scrambling.
It wasn’t really important to the big picture, but it was important to me.
In all the preparation for the LBee Health Launch Party, I forgot some of the little things for myself, like a necklace.
On the day of the party, I realized that I wanted to wear a wishbone. My dad and I had a wishbone thing for basically my entire life, and it felt like the right way to have him there. The necklace I had with a wishbone broke a few years ago.
I couldn’t get one in time. Eventually, I got so wrapped up in setup that I just forgot everything. What we had on hand was going to have to do.
Once we were underway, I fully forgot about the necklace. I was doing all the people-ing, which felt both natural and like I was watching someone else in my body, and I could barely even think about sitting down and having my meal.
Some of the guests were caught in traffic, and the last two who arrived were people I had been waiting to hug for literal years. It was quieter as people enjoyed their appetizers, so we got to chat for a little bit.
He introduced me to his wife, and my eyes spontaneously started leaking.
There, hanging from her necklace, was a wishbone.
As I choked back the tears that absolutely wanted to fly out of my face, someone handed me a microphone because it was time for me to do the whole CEO thing. I took a deep breath, saw his smirk from beyond, and knew he was telling me to get to it.
He has this way of sending tiny signals so I know that he’s there.
Image via Taylor Heery on Unsplash.

Founder & CEO at elletwo