Written By: Lauren Howard

I didn't get the response I expected.
Not even close.
When I started sharing here about my experiences with toxic workplaces, burnout, and workplace gaslighting, I thought people would stay quiet or sympathetically say that they couldn't believe I went through that.
That wasn't what happened.
Instead, the posts and my inboxes were flooded with people telling very similar stories.
I don't know why I started writing about it. I just had all of this built-up potential energy that was concentrated in my fingertips and I started tapping out words before I could do anything about it.
The responses made me want to scream.
Why hadn't anyone told me that this happened? Why did I sit there feeling like it was just me for so long when clearly, it's all of us?
And then I realized it wasn't that no one told me. It's that no one had told . . . anyone. We weren't talking about it at all. We had been indoctrinated to believe that having a job was the prize and that we're supposed to just shut up and tolerate anything that comes with it.
Yeah, no.
A paycheck is not a permission slip for abuse.

Founder & CEO at elletwo