Written By: Lauren Howard

My first move was pretty decisive.
When we confirmed that we were launching our mental health practice, I knew what to do first. The ensuing 10,000 things have been a little more muddy and unclear, but the first step was unquestionable.
I reached out to Sipra Laddha, MD and told her.
She’s a friend, but also because she runs a similar company.
She’s an amazing psychiatrist with a virtual mental health company for mothers and women. Seeing them grow has been a joy.
I knew, even though there is going to be overlap between our two companies, that she would be excited and all in to help however she could.
She was exactly that and a thousand times more. Vice versa, too.
We’re not competition. We never will be.
We need more people in this space, not less. We need more access to care, not less. We need more collaboration between women-owned companies, not less.
Competition is a myth that is designed to keep you from building strong bonds that could eventually undo the current structures.
We’re not here for it.
We wildly, unabashedly, and radically support each other, and we’re better for it.
Come hang.

Founder & CEO at elletwo